Be the Change You See in the World                     Andrew H. Roberts


Smiles All Around
Hey there, I am going to keep this bio short and fun like me.  I am a 26-year-old male with a heart of gold and service (that’s what others say).  But really if I had a heart of gold, I wouldn’t be seeking a job.  A life of service does not usually lead to gold but happiness.   Life is not too short to dream and like you I have many dreams.  For example you must have a dream about improving your business.  That is where I am hoping to come in.  You have a vision about your business but have a few obstacles to overcome.  You must be passionate about your service or I don’t want to be on your team.  Don’t you want somebody passionate on your team?  If you want a real bio please call me to schedule an appointment---253.347.3189.        
Thanks for visiting,          